

i am. involved

i’m not sure about you, but i have always had a desire to volunteer and give back, but never seem to be able to find ways to do so. volunteering at a homeless shelter, neighborhood house, or nursing home are often the go to organizations, but they typically require some organization and effort. it seems to me that more people would help if it wasn’t always such a big commitment and they were made aware of other, maybe more convenient, volunteer opportunities. i know i would. after doing some research, i found several ways to get involved, most of which require a small commitment and fall just slightly under the radar (but likely need our assistance the most)

  • buy from stores/organizations that donate some of the money to a cause, such as…
  • @starnecklaces (several causes)
  • (a variety of causes)
  • @ascendwood (kenya, haiti, and uganda)
    •volunteer with startup charities:
  • @thegoodfellasproject
  • the compass project (@michael.berry)
  • @seva4everybody
    •create or sign a petition for positive change (
    •join a human rights organization
    ( and search ‘civil rights organizations’) or one that supports the environment (the sierra club or greenpeace)
    •do little things, like
    -pay for the person behind you in the mcdonalds line
    -clean your neighbor’s yard
    -be aware of and make time for friends in need
    -ask a not-so popular kid to hang out
    •buy local and support mom and pop shops