

i am. impatient

i recently posted a poll on my story asking if girls should make the first move. a whopping 88% of guys said, YES, girls should do it! unfortunately, only a little over 50% of girls actually admitted to ever making a move (both of these polls got over 1k responses). see a slight disconnect?

personally, i am impatient. when i want something to happen, i full send. not too long ago, i was at a concert waiting in the parking lot to leave. i saw a car full of guys staring at me & my friends. so i got out of our car & went over to talk to them. we talked for a bit, exchanged snapchats and headed on our way. no harm, no foul. & they didn’t think it was weird at all. i think as insecure teenagers we’re afraid of worst case scenarios. but really, what’s the worst that can happen? you get rejected. big deal. think of all of the good that can come out of it. you meet someone new. you look spontaneous. & you’re on an even playing field as guys (most guys will be attracted to your confidence).

guys should get a little break every now and then, too (because making the first move isn’t easy) & they’re likely to be as flattered by the attention as we are.

girls often want things to happen, but society has told us to wait to be asked. unfortunately, retweeting a post about ‘loving long walks on the beach’ is not the same thing as telling a guy that that’s what you want. pick a time and a place and tell him that he’s walking on the beach with you, gosh dang it! dont let your life pass you by without taking that walk. if it’s something that you really want, make it happen. i mean, much of the time we have a good idea that a guy’s into us, so the odds are often in our favor. if it doesn’t work out as planned, however, shake it off, channel Kanye in ‘that that don’t kill me can only make me stronger,’ and try again.