i am. shocked

yesterday i got to pick apart one of my friends brains & it was like finding out that Hannah Montana was Miley Cyrus the whole time. shocking! she was constantly bringing herself down by thinking she wasn’t good looking enough to fit in. this girl is the most interesting person in all the right ways. she doesnt follow norms and ive always looked up to her for that. she blames her failure on how she looks and not that maybe, just maybe, her personality is too complex for her desired friends. she eats less and wears more makeup just to fit in and she is compromising everything that makes her unique.
if youre too lazy to read what was written above (me 90% of the time) just listen to this. not only girls, but people in general, need to realize that just because you don’t fit with everyone it doesn’t mean that you are less than them (gasps). without variations in looks&personality life would be bland! so, if you are lucky enough to not be just another girl who posts on her blog about how much she loves starbucks and misses vine (im subtweeting myself) embrace it! you are what keeps the world interesting!!