

i am. surprised

by the depth of emotion expressed by guys who have recently dmd me about a girl. one guy wanted to know if the girl he was talking to seemed interested, so he sent me a screenshot of their conversation (“wtf do these mixed signals even mean?!”). another, asked me how he should resolve an argument with his girlfriend (“how do i respond without pissing her off?”). these open & unguarded requests for help have come from more than just these two guys. a lot of guys have asked for advice and they seem to genuinely care a lot more about making a girl happy than most of us think. even my brothers sit around and talk with their buddies about what girls want and give each other advice. one of my brother’s friends didn’t know he had to actually ask someone to be his gf. he just assumed they were together. so after talking some sense into that child, he did it. most boys seem to have good intentions, but relationships can be super confusing and girls aren’t always straight up (although i try not to be, i know i can be confusing too)

i think sometimes we have a distorted view of guys. maybe because we tend to belly ache and tweet about the times they’ve done us wrong. or because guys hesitate to openly show emotion for fear of losing their man card. im sure that the dogs exist, but let’s not lose faith in the male gender. the good guys are out there, ive seen them with my own two eyes. guys: if you ever need someone to talk to about a girl, please keep messaging me. i got u. im sure most girls would be happy to help. & just so you know, in my opinion, the most masculine guy is the one who is strong enough to let his guard down and isn’t afraid to show emotion.
ps. shoutout to my amazing ex bfs! you were fantastic and i cannot complain about you at all.