i am. cleaning out my closet

do you have those friends that are a drain on you emotionally? you know the backstabber, the only your friend when there’s no one else around, the never makes plans friend, the flaky friend, the drama starting friend, and the makes you feel like trash friend. yeah, me too. i had one ‘best friend’ tell everyone that i cheated on my bf at the time (& loyalty is uber important to me) and another tried to sleep with my ex bf because she was mad at me. oh and another friend told me she was “sick” but then posted a snap on her story at a party. she didnt even care enough to hide her lie!! & this happens all of the time! anyway, im kinda done with it. ive decided that i’m taking Eminem’s lead and cleaning out my closet.
caveat: i REALLY try to be a good, LOYAL friend, but i’m sure i have been the toxic one at some point, i’m sure we all have. if i have ever been a bad friend to you, im sorry, and i dont blame you for ditching me.
if a friendship isnt adding value to your life (or is making you lose peace of mind), i think its time to take out the trash. spring cleaning, anyone?