the idea that you shouldn’t burn bridges has always appealed to me, especially when it comes to my exes. i mean, at one point they were exactly what i wanted and i’ve been lucky to find some pretty amazing humans. admittedly, i have limited experience, but i have found that if you want to be cool with an ex, or maybe even become friends, you should…
1.give it time. feelings need to fade & new experiences need to replace the memories you once had.
2.try not to say anything you may regret in the future. be mature & try to understand their side of the story.
3.NOT unfollow/block your ex, unless its too painful. if it is, you’re probably not ready for a friendship quite yet. clear with your ex about your intention of being friends.
5.respect any new relationship he/she may have.
6.remember that things aren’t going to be the same. he/she may not want to spend as much time with you and you need to be okay with that.
you won’t always be successful. i know i haven’t been. but i’m still hopeful that i can find a way to bridge the gap and become friends with an ex that means a lot to me. maybe, with time, we’ll be able to talk and possibly rebuild our friendship. i guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.