
i am. speaking up

as many of you know, i’m in europe with my mom and brother and it is amazing! the only glitch has been between my brother and i. i love him, but we are very different people, and it’s never been more obvious than while on this trip. he’s said some really hurtful things (& i’m sure i’ve said some too). typically, my m.o. has been to keep quiet about what bugs me, but a recent experience made me realize the error in this approach. about a month ago, i started a new job and my role was not fully defined. i was given a ton of responsibility and was feeling extremely overwhelmed. i wanted to do everything that was asked of me (& i wanted to do it well), but i didn’t have as much time to devote to it as i wanted (or, in some cases, the right training). i was getting more and more frustrated with my boss with every new request, but i had no right to be. he had no idea how much i was stressing because i never told him. finally, when it became too much, i spoke up. and, bam! he immediately helped me out (and i am so grateful). he didn’t realize the pressure i was under, because I never said anything.

so, how did things work out with my brother? i told him how his words hurt, and GUESS WHAT? he made fun of me and said he wasn’t going to change. not the hollywood ending you were expecting, eh? but i am keeping the faith. i think he’ll come around, and, if not, at the very least he knows how i feel. i got it off of my chest and now the ball is in his court.

people aren’t mind readers, and we cant expect them to know how we are feeling. if someone is the cause of issues in your life, you should just say something, and give them the chance they deserve. oh, and if you don’t say anything, then aren’t you really as much to blame? i mean, remember how frustrating it was when ross and rachel wouldn’t admit that they liked each other! dont be like ross and rachel. speak up!