
i am. flawed

we all have that one thing about ourselves that we don’t love. maybe you hate the size of your thighs or the sound of your voice. maybe the giant gap between your teeth makes you cringe. for me, its my nose (fun fact: its so large that we call it mt. Malatesta) and it is a BIG reminder that i’m flawed. imperfect. less than. but most people barely notice (and if they do, they don’t see the same awful, embarrassing feature that i see). in most cases, though, there’s little we can do about these flaws, and giving them more attention than they deserve keeps us from fully embracing who we are and who we’re meant to be. instead of seeing our flaws as imperfections, we should use them as a reminder that we’re all in this together. i mean if ariana grande can celebrate her small boobs, lebron james can embrace his wacky toes and chrissy tiegan can proudly show off her stretch marks, why can’t we?

your “big thighs” are thick and sexy. your voice distinguishes you from everyone else. your gap teeth are the new wave. and for me… people travel around the world to see mountains! i’m lucky enough to have one connected to my face!