
i am. grateful

while sitting in a brussels bar (quite obviously outsiders), valdet, a brussels native, approached me, my mom and brother and introduced us to several of his family members (including the bar owner). he told us of his love for america, bought us drinks and offered to show us around brussels. his actions were by no means unique.

we are bombarded with news of shootings, robberies, and other equally, if not far more, disturbing images. the problem with pointing out the negatives is that it makes the world seem as if it’s a scary place and that people will take advantage of you whenever they can.

on my trip across europe, this was far from the case. for the first time in my life, i was truly vulnerable – i didn’t speak the language & was unfamiliar with my surroundings. but instead of using my weakness against me, people showed the better side of humanity. some of their actions were small, like pulling up google maps to help us figure out where the heck we were going, while others were more considerable, like using their off duty bus to take us to our hotel when all other forms of transportation were unavailable (shoutout London Heathrow bus crew 7875!). there was no shortage of kindness. i started to think of all of the little acts of kindness i have recently witnessed, not just in europe & not just those involving me. here are some big shoutouts. to the guy at dessert oasis who shared his crepe after watching me & my mom drool over it, thank you! to my grandma who offered to take my adopted and very troubled cousin off of my uncle’s hands while he struggles with leukemia, you are a saint! to my uncle who so willingly gave his stem cells to this same uncle, you rock! to Adam from Royal Opera in Paris who translated for us & called us a taxi to our airbnb, we would’ve been lost without you! to Cal & George in Florence who gave us tips on how to get around, you are amazing! &, last but not least, to anyone who has ever been on a mission trip, you are what makes the world go ‘round!

the best thing about noticing kindness in others is that it has inspired me to do the same. to all of you doing the most, we see you! keep doing you.