
i am. attracted to nice guys

this may seem like a hot take, but let me just tell you… not all girls are attracted to @$$h0l3$!! i actually question the belief that ‘nice guys finish last,’ mainly because i find guys who do the little things so adorable. which got me thinking… if the saying applies to guys (which i’m not buying, but what do i know?), why doesn’t it apply to girls? or maybe it does. i mean, if we assume that movies are at least loosely based on reality, and many show the mean girl getting the guy (think regina george), does this mean that nice girls also finish last? i know PLENTY of super nice girls who are totally slept on because the guys they like are into girls who appear to not give a frick.

since i was still confused, i asked you guys if you believe that it’s only the nice guys that finish last or if you think that nice girls also can be lumped into that category. & man did you guys have a lot to say.

i got quite the mixed reviews, but one response really stuck out to me. this person said that, ya, maybe nice guys and nice girls finish last, but they finish BEST. bam. just like that.

what this would suggest, then, is that just because you may not find the love of your life right now, it doesn’t mean that you won’t find him/her. if you keep being your sweet self, you will meet someone equally as kind. and who doesn’t want that?

don’t stress. just wait it out, my friend. because even if you don’t meet that kind soul until you’re 50, you will end up far better off than being stuck with a “plastic.”