
i am. figuring it out

so, it didn’t last as long as i expected. & maybe we called it off a little prematurely? idk. regardless, i’m not going to dwell on the loss of this perfect, imagined relationship. nah. i’m actually thinking it’s best to do just the opposite. i’m accepting the fact that we just didn’t click. his looks may have, momentarily, distracted me from what was there between us…which, unfortunately, was not a lot, but, i’m happy that we both realized before we got in too deep. before either of us got our feelings hurt. i don’t regret anything, because i learned something! i now realize that i’m finally ready to start dating again!

there are very few things that can’t be viewed from a positive lens. this is no exception. i mean, sure, any loss (regardless of size) stings a little bit. but in the end, i met a really nice guy (& hopefully, a new friend). we may not have worked out, but i learned from it. even though it was brief, i’m closer to knowing what i want and what i need. that’s not so bad, is it? what i’m trying to get at is that i’m not sad, but rather happy, that this little, whatever you want to call it (not bf, not friend, not fwb kinda thing), happened. it may have been short, but it sure was sweet.