
i am. helping? (pt.2)

as promised, here’s what guys said they find annoying about us (& a lot of guys had a lot to say). but before i get to them, i just want to say that 1. i am guilty of several of these, sorry! 2. the complaints by girls and guys are very similar and many involve a lack of communication, & 3. guys are deeper and more thoughtful than i thought. from guys responses to the ‘what annoys you?’ question, it’s pretty clear that they actually do care about us. alright, alright, i’ll stop talking. here are guys biggest pet peeves. they dislike when we:
1.aren’t straight up. especially when it comes to what we want in a relationship.
2.overreact to little things. but like how do you expect me not to flip out when you dont text me back exactly 60 seconds after i text you (;
3.are flirty without really being interested. the line between friendliness and flirting is pretty narrow.
4.are fake or bring other girls down. it’s ironic. when we try to make another girl look bad, we just end up making ourselves look bad.
5.wear TOO much makeup. they want to see our naturally beautiful faces.
6.expect them to take subtle hints. they admit that they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to this.
7.allow other guys to treat us like crap. it’s hard to respect someone who doesn’t respect herself.
8.think every guy is going to take advantage of us. it is an unfair generalization, but the jerks stand out. just sayin.
9.lack depth and only care about looks. looks fade, character remains.
10.steal their favorite sweatshirts. dang, there’s nothing better than wearing a guy’s sweatshirt.
11.leave them on read. if you’re not interested, it’s only polite to tell them. their food after saying we’re not hungry. i am sooo guilty of this!
13.are overly clingy. we all need a little space sometimes.
14.tell them you think another guy is cute or attractive.

although we might argue with some of these, instead of getting mad we should see their value. & as difficult as it is to admit that we are guilty of any of these, isn’t it better to know? for a relationship based on mutual respect, both genders should pay attention to the others pet peeves.