
i am. hoping

one goal of this blog is to share my struggles. but, honestly, my struggles pale in comparison to some. many of you have had to overcome significantly bigger hurdles than the rest of us and i admire and am inspired by your unbelievable strength.

just the other night, someone i love, very much, lost her dad. he was her best friend. her rock. i know we all face challenges, but she has had more than her fair share and has always pushed through. she’s a survivor and has become this amazing person, as a result. she’s an example of real strength.

sure, i’ve also faced challenges. i was bullied in high school, but not any more than any one else. i’ve felt unloved by my dad, but I’m sure i’m not alone. i’ve struggled with insecurities, but haven’t we all? my struggles have been, comparatively, small. i’ve never had to show the real strength it takes to deal with a big loss or challenge and i feel a bit like a fraud. so many of you have dmd me to tell me about your struggles and i am constantly surprised by what you are dealing with and impressed by your ability to keep going. you are the strong ones! i hope that, when the time comes (it’s life, it will come), that i will show the same amount of courage, strength, and grace!