
i am. open to suggestions

“i can tell that we are going to be friends” -jack white

or maybe i can’t. i have struggled through so many awkward conversations where my ‘pal’ assumes our friendship is more than it is. & bro it sucks! like one day i’m super happy because i think i’ve found this dope person who wants to be my friend & the next thing i know he’s trying to make a move. like… ok? where did that come from? what did i do? i must have sent the wrong message, right? ugh!

although i have faced this issue many times (i’m sure a lot of us have-guys and girls), i still haven’t quite figured out how to avoid it. should i be straight up right away? but, what if i’m not sure how i feel? or what if i misread the situation and he never even considered us to be anything more than friends? won’t i look dumb? should i use body language to show that i’m not interested? but what body language says ‘i’m not romantically interested, but i really want you in my life?’

i decided to do a little digging. can guys and girls really be just friends? & is there a way to kindly tell the other person what you want? the answer to my first question was not what i was hoping. it appears that men and women cannot be ‘just friends.’ okay, sure, both parties can function without moving past the friendship stage, but it appears that the possibility of a romantic relationship makes it difficult. girls have been found to have an easier time being ‘just friends.’ guys, however, have a tendency to assume that the girl is attracted to him, regardless of any evidence suggesting that this is true. guys also claimed that the potential for a romantic relationship is a perk of being friends with girls.

where does this leave us? i adore my guy friends & truly believe that they are the exceptions. could i be mistaken? maybe. i’m not the most intuitive. what should i do if I’m wrong?