
i am. ready (bring it on)

i have a love hate relationship with constructive criticism (mostly love).

when i created this page, i fully expected to get roasted (like the cody ko/noel roast of mattysmokes or ajit pai). surprisingly, it has been mostly all love with a splash of hate here and there. i mean, who doesn’t get it? while it does sting a bit, i actually don’t have a problem with these less than positive comments (i mean, we’re all entitled to our own opinion). i do, however, think that there’s a right and wrong way to express them.

in general, i kinda disagree with the statement that “if you dont have something nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all.” KINDA. if you dont like someone’s work, you can always choose NOT to see it. but, if you do decide to give it look, and you disagree with it, there is no need to hold back your comments… UNLESS they are intentionally mean-spirited with no real purpose (& what’s the point? to make someone feel bad?). if, however, you want to help, maybe comment something constructive. commenting “this is stupid,” isn‘t going to make me change anything that i’m doing. on the other hand, if you give me some advice like “your captions need to get to the point faster,” then i’ll respect it and rethink my writing.

we need constructive criticism. i mean, where would we be without it? we probably wouldn’t have some of our kick a** technology, beautiful prose, or even sliced bread (and then what would we compare everything to? huh?)!! so next time i do something that you think is “stupid,” LET ME KNOW! but give me some advice on how to fix it. dont leave me hangin, bro.