
i am. unromantic

at least not in the traditional sense of the word. i may be the only girl that feels this way… idk, but i’m not a huge fan of being wined and dined. don’t get me wrong, it is nice every now and then (especially now that all i eat is iffy dining hall food), but i dont think that’s what every date should be. i feel that there is a certain closeness that two people can get when they go out somewhere casual. somewhere they feel more comfortable. like, when i go to a fancy restaurant i question everything about myself. like, am i dressed fancy enough? are my manners right? which fork is the salad fork? what does this menu even say, its all in french!? & i spend more time focused on what I’m doing than i do on my actual date.

i think that when i am getting to know someone that id prefer to go to a diner where the staff knows what “the regular” is, or to someone’s apartment to make waffles, or for a stroll through their favorite park. anywhere that both people feel that they can be themselves.

when there is a dress code, and i’m surrounded by people that i just assume are judging me, odds are you won’t get to know the actual me. the one that eats sushi with her hands. the one that sits criss cross in a booth. the one that doesn’t know how to use a knife. the one that laughs too loud.

so i guess the next time you are asking someone out on a date, maybe save your hard earned money & try to make it more sentimental. go somewhere or do something that lets you each show your true selves. because just like alicia keys says “some people want it all, but i dont want nothing at all, if it aint you.” then again, maybe it’s just me.