
i am. taking a mental break

earlier today i was on the phone with my mom bellyaching about how i am literally going to FAIL one of my classes and how it is so hard and boring and blah blah blah. i’m sure we have all been there. but she reminded me of something. torturing myself by stressing is not gonna get the job done.

my first semester of college was such a breeze that i had a false sense of my ability as well as a deep suspicion about umich’s rigor. but, ahhh, i finally feel the pain, & i don’t like it. but hey, what did I expect when i chose this school?

despite the obvious need to power up, prioritize and pick away at all of the things on my plate, i also know how important it is to take mental breaks – to talk to other humans, get silly with my friends, or watch an episode or eight of “you.” too often we think that nonstop studying is the only conceivable way to do well and feel guilty when we take a break. but we need time to recharge if we want to succeed. breaks reenergize and refocus. (okay, i know this is nerdy, but studies have shown that breaks are linked with higher academic performance and lower levels of anxiety and stress). they also remind us that life isn’t so serious and that we need to enjoy the journey.

so ya, catch me studying all weekend for a baby quiz i have on monday, but also catch me (between study sessions) dancing in my kitchen to post malone, cooking up some sweet potato fries, and laughing with my family at my cousin’s 16th birthday dinner! (he’s so old !)

we only have one go around, so let’s make an effort, on our road to success, to give ourselves a break (or two). we deserve it!Load more comments