
i am. saying yes

so, i went to new york literally just to try these japanese soufflé pancakes. like, my friend and i have been sending each other pics of them for months.

but what’s weird is that when i actually got to the city, i almost didn’t go. i came up with so many reasons not to, like; the subway would take too long, i wouldn’t make it on time, there would probably be a long line, & i don’t need the extra calories. THANKFULLY my mom told me that i was being ridiculous and that sometimes you just have to do it, even if it doesn’t work out. & man, these pancakes were possibly the most heavenly thing to hit my taste buds.

i feel like this is how i’ve been a lot over the past few months. i’ve been sitting in my room on friday nights because i’m “too tired” to get ready or it’s “too cold” outside. i talk myself out of things too often & it’s making me miss out on some great opportunities and experiences. once i get past that initial step and walk out the door, i know i’ll have a good time (and if i don’t, at least i will have tried and maybe have a good story to tell). from now on, i’m going to say yes (hold me to this!). life is short and i dont want to be the reason that i’m not living it to the fullest.

update: last night my brother and his friends convinced me to play this liberal v fascist game (nerdy, i know, but that’s me). i was tired from traveling all day, so i told them that i had to get up early. i was reminded that i was going to say ‘yes’ to experiences (also, knowing that i was going to post this blog today, they threatened to expose iam.becoming as a fraud if i didn’t play). so, i dragged my lazy butt off of the couch and actually had a good time! sometimes it’s a mind over matter decision. just try to block out the reasons why you shouldn’t do something and give it a go.