
i am. no longer judging

yesterday, i attended the infamous hashbash & was completely sober. as awful as that may sound, it was actually pretty dang great. i felt zero pressure to do anything out of my comfort zone and i got to do some of the best people watching i’ve ever done (second only to a saturday night in amsterdam’s red light district and ferndale’s pride parade. highly recommend both).

one lesson that i’ve learned, & was reminded of during yesterday’s festivities, is that you gotta do what you want to do and let others do the same. if you want to go to parties and drink water, do it (having that red solo cup in hand is a confidence boost, though!), but do not judge those who are partaking in the foolery. trust me, i learned this the hard way.

when i was in high school, i was often left out of parties and hang outs because i was too much of a stick in the mud. &, although i am still my same stick in the mud self, at least now im not obnoxious about it. i used to openly disapprove of anyone who smoked weed, thinking that i was somehow better than (more pure than) those who chose to smoke (this makes me cringe just writing about it. sorry, y’all). but boy, that just ain’t it. just because i made a different choice did not make me any better. in fact, my decision not to smoke is something people could have judged harshly (“she’s too boring/not adventurous”) and no one wants that.

so, ya. if you are lame like me, then cool. but if you’re lame and go to a party (or get the chance to attend hash bash, which i highly recommend) just dont judge. be happy for anyone who has found something they’re passionate about. i can tell you that if you go to that party sober, no one will care if you drink or not. just be confident in the decisions you make and you’ll be “brOKen.”