
i am. changing the conversation

aside from just good marketing advice, don draper’s ‘mad men’ quote that “if you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation” can also be loosely translated to mean: if you don’t like how things are going, you can always change the situation.

my mom has always taught me that almost everything can have a positive spin. but, if you can’t spin it, you can always change it.

two things recently brought don’s and my mom’s wisdom to my attention. last week, i got a text from one of my good friends saying she was waitlisted from umich (surprising to me because she’s brilliant). she was looking for advice, & this brought me right back to this time last year. in all honesty, i was a mess and i struggled to see the bright side in umich’s ‘we’re just not quite ready for you’ decision. i had a few back up schools. but, unlike my friend, i didn’t want to go to any of them. i cried and tried to put a positive spin on my situation, but i couldn’t. so instead of “which back up school should I attend?”, i thought “what will make me happy if i get denied?” i changed the conversation.

i decided that i was going to take a gap year, instead, and travel all over. this was a plan that i was actually excited about & it sure did help comfort me until umich came to her senses (as i’m sure she will with my friend).

also, recently, a new friend and classmate opened up to me about some pretty heavy stuff. he told me that he felt depressed & didn’t know what to do about it. he said he felt lost in the crowd and that he couldn’t do anything right (which obviously wasn’t true, but i dont think that’s really what he wanted to hear). he struggled and finally decided to transfer to a smaller school. he changed his situation. although i know this decision wasn’t easy for him, and i’m heartbroken about it, it’s what’s best for him. i’m sure he will be much happier there.

although i’m generally a happy person and a master of seeing the positive, some situations require more drastic measures. sometimes changing how you look at something just isn’t enough. sometimes the narrative has to change.

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