
i am. never saying never

have you ever stuffed your face with cake, felt like trash and promised yourself you would never eat junk again? or drank to oblivion and claimed that you would never drink again? let’s be real, what usually ends up happening? we eat that cake, again, and continue to drink.

if ive learned anything from justin bieber, it would be to never say never. because, honestly, we can’t always predict how we are gonna feel or what we are going to do until we are experiencing it. i used to dream of moving to new york city. i told myself i would never live in michigan after i graduated. that was less than a year ago. now, im pretty fond of the idea of living in detroit, nice and close to my family.

i guess what i’m trying to say is: how am i supposed to know what i’ll want in five years, if i dont even know what i’ll want for breakfast tomorrow? it’s also the reason i can’t say exactly what i would do when it comes to bigger decisions. so, i’ve decided to take ‘never’ out of my vocabulary. life’s long and my never behavior may be exactly what i end up doing. i think we just have to learn to be flexible with what life brings and be open to change.