
i am. ending it before it gets started

yanno when you go on a first date & it’s not going exactly as you had hoped? you just can’t seem to picture the other person as more then a friend & don’t exactly see a second date in your future? you don’t have that spark and can’t force it. but worse yet, they dont feel the same way & they see it as something more than it is. ya, i was there a bit ago. relatable for you, too?

how to tell someone that I’m not interested is something i’ve tried to figure out more times than i can count & it sucks. if i could force myself to feel a certain way, i would. but you certainly can’t build a relationship on this any more than you can build a building without a solid foundation (& i’ve tried).

some advice: its gunna be hard. & although i can’t tell you the exact words to say, i can tell you that you have to say them. verbalize exactly how you feel, but try to be considerate of the other person’s feelings. if someone takes you on a date and asks for another, don’t ignore their texts. because imagine bumping into that person after leaving them on read. talk about awkward. it’s also cruel to leave them hanging.

personally, id prefer to know right off the bat, then be led on – thinking that maybe this first date could lead to a relationship. but, hey, thats just me. how would you want to know that the relationship isn’t going anywhere?