
i am. ghosted

oh ya. story time. so i was into this guy, right? we see each other every day & i’m thinking this is great. i kinda think he’s cool and he says he feels the same way about me. i’m forward af (character flaw?) & hate to waste my time, so i asked him if he could possibly see it going anywhere. i didn’t want just a summer fling or a hookup because i’m not about that. i happily accepted his reassuring response. but guess what?!?!? (i’m sure you can guess) i stopped getting texts back. actions speak louder than words, i suppose.

so OF COURSE i couldn’t go without saying something (character flaw pt 2?). i texted him to tell him that i would have preferred he just tell me straight up how he was feeling. no bs. he told me he regretted not responding & that he got scared because he just got out of a relationship a few months before. end of the story, we are friends.

so here’s what’s up. i don’t have a problem with him being afraid. i mean come on i get it, i have been in his shoes. the thing i do have a problem with, is the lack of balls. like, how hard is it to text someone & tell her why you’re hesitating. i’m not even talking face to face. i’m talking TEXT. he didn’t even have enough respect for me to be honest.

i am the first person to tell you exactly what is on my mind. & ya, some people might think it’s obnoxious. but i would rather know where someone’s head is than be left guessing. i was ghosted, no biggie, but i hope some good came out of it. i hope he saw that i was understanding and that being straight up is a better option! i have no hard feelings toward him. in fact, i still think he’s a nice guy. i think most people are more understanding than we may think. so, do the right thing, fam. you might be surprised by the outcome.