
i am. sassy

let me just tell you. i am a pain in the butt to date. i can be slightly (ok, maybe more than slightly) confusing & sassy when i get comfortable with someone. like, when i say “i hate you,” it really means “i love you.” when i say “you suck,” it means “i appreciate you.” & when i say “frick off” it means…. well it usually means frick off but you get the picture.

i guess you can say i’m a little “prickly” and have been known to turn people off. but believe it or not, i am actually a romantic. i want the true only-we-understand kinda romance. nothing that’s too flashy or for show. i want hand holding and personal gestures, not pda and huge spectacles. i want my pet name to be “bro” and not “love.” i want my bf to be my best friend and not his accessory. i’m like a pineapple – prickly on the outside and sweet(ish) at it’s core.