
i am. celebrating

happy birthday to someone out there!

don’t you think it’s funny how we celebrate our birthday every year? like all we have to do is survive. the bare minimum. but we get gifts for it. i’m just saying, whoever came up with this idea is a genius.

ok so that comment wasn’t completely off topic. my roommates and i were talking, the other day, about an exam they had. they studied nonstop for almost a week. i commented that they were probably gunna feel so good after it was done, but they couldn’t help but be reminded of another exam that loomed right around the corner. to this, i said we should “celebrate every little victory.”

i’m talking every day. if we celebrate making it another year, why dont we celebrate something that actually takes a little bit of effort. whether its as small as making a bomb a$$ breakfast or as big as starting your own company. let’s party!

so, serve yo self up a piece of cake and pop that champagne because we need to turn our lives into a big ol’ party.

they say two thousand zero zero party over oops out of time time, so tonight i’m gonna party like it’s…. october 3, 2019!