
i am. not sure

how to communicate my feelings. i’ve kinda gone through life not knowing how to read my own emotions. when asked how i’m feeling i’ll either say i’m happy or i’m sad. like i know emotions are more complicated than this, but i just can’t always put a finger on my own. after a breakup, i might think that i’m perfectly fine, but weeks later be confused by the wave of sadness that comes over me.

by diving head first into yoga, though, i’ve taken baby steps towards reading myself. meditating and sitting with my emotions, not trying to change them or label them as good or bad, but simply acknowledging them, has allowed me to tell when i am feeling things like homesickness, jealousy, longing, relaxed, stressed…. & happy and sad.

sounds like i’m so much better, right? ya, not completely. i’ve yet to learn how to verbalize how i’m feeling. sure, i may notice that i’m stressed, but i dont know how to tell anyone that i need them to pick up some slack or that the topic of conversation is mentally taxing.

i guess what i’m asking is for some good ole advice on communicating my feelings. i have little practice, so i’m a bit uncertain and anxious about the possible reactions i may get. if something is bothering you, how do you express it? any & all tips are greatly accepted!