
i am. stressed out

imma just say that this year is a lot different than last. i, foolishly, got myself into a bit of a mess – with a 14 hour a week job, 3 clubs, 16 credits (& homework), 5 instagram accounts (i manage two other than my own), my own company, 4 ambassador programs, t-shirt sales, rushing an academic frat, & cooking and cleaning. aside from my preship (s/o if you remember this post) there’s no time to do anything else that i actually want to do. a social life? never heard of her. yoga? ain’t nobody got time for that. 8 hours of sleep? you will be missed.

i am currently surviving on coffee and the simple fact that it really has only been two weeks. i can’t have a mental break down just yet. or can i…?

i wasn’t going to do anything with it but ride the wave of constant sleep deprivation and stress, because really, what else defines a college student? but yanno what, there’s a lot more that defines a college student. being young. going to tailgates. having friends over. having a life!!

i don’t want to look back at my college experience and remember spending every night doing homework/working while my friends went out (i have my whole life for that). i want to remember the nights i felt alive. & in order to do that im going to have to do some picking and choosing. easing up my schedule a little bit. deciding what really matters to me and what i can live without. i made my bed, but no one said that i have to lie in it!

what crazy schedule are you living with right now?