
i am. relieving stress

at umich at least, finals season is all about who can be the most stressed. & if you dont think you need to stress about finals, you’re stressed about not being stressed. its a hot mess that is just making us less productive in the long run. so, instead of crashing and burning & not being able to study any longer, i made a little list of things you can do to relieve stress. hope this helps (:

how to relieve stress:
-sing f**k you as loud as you can
-eat healthy (and by that i mean a giant piece of chocolate cake, followed by a salad)
-meditate/do yoga; or better yet, dance like a maniac to ‘i will survive’
-watch something mind numbing on youtube (aka. the cat massage… thank me for this later)
-SLEEP (a crazy idea. i know. you may fail, but you’ll be well rested when you accept your fate)
-torture your roommate. haha gotcha, bitch! -scream (yell at your professors for making you take finals! just not to their face…)

& while you’re at it, go through your quizlet while going through a bottle of wine.

good luck on finals, yall!