
i am. crossing my fingers

if you know me, you know i love to travel. & i get asked a lot how i manage to do it on my college student budget. well, here’s the secret to success……… spend all of the money you have. thats right, we’re talking $15 in the bank account type thing. and while i do get a lot of help from my parents for tuition and groceries, the travel thing is all me.

and while i don’t regret my empty piggy bank for a second, it does suck when you want to do something that costs a chunk of change.

if you know me, you also know that i have a thing for yoga. so much so that i decided to dive head first into it and take yoga teacher training. i’ve had my mind set on doing it this summer for over a year without considering any logistics (aka. cost). so, when i found out this past week that it would set me back over $2000 (about $1500 more than i have), i started to freak out a little bit. actually, a lot a bit. im pretty sure that my $10 an hour barista position isn’t going to cover it & yo girl ain’t got the time to pick up another job.

to distract myself from trying to figure out wtf to do, i picked up my book. as i started reading, the topic switched to the author’s story about when she wanted to record an album, but didn’t have the funds (situation sound familiar?). somehow, she found a way not to worry about it and just scheduled a time to record. miraculously, she met a woman who donated the money to her. moral of her story, don’t stress about money.

so there it is ladies and gents. my plan. no stress, fingers crossed and hope my luck just works itself out. im obviously going to save still, (i’m not thatttt risky), but i’m pretty sure it won’t be enough. hopefully buddha plants a money tree in my apartment or something within the next few months. updates to come!

btw this post is NOT a request for sugar daddies or payment for feet pics