
i am. in disbelief

as everyone on the face of the earth is aware, coronavirus is a thing. it’s a confusing thing, that i learn more about every day. a thing that affects everyone. a thing that causes school cancellations, death, stress, travel limitations, and so much more. a thing that makes me feel like i’m living in a freaking movie. a thing i will be able to tell my kids about living through.

i remember the first day i heard about coronavirus. i remember thinking it was never going to touch us. bad things happen in the world all the time. remember the australian fires?

since then, i’ve gone through many emotions about it. i started feeling scared, then realized the death rate is around 1%. yet, i am still worried about my immunodeficient friends and older family members. i moved into becoming more educated on the topic. my roommates and boyfriend are literally nurses working at the hospital that is treating the case in michigan, so they helped a lot. yet, i also realized that no one truly knows everything, and we are all learning together. then i moved into researching the conspiracy theories surrounding the virus, because why not. (they are hella interesting! look them up).

when classes were canceled, i got super excited (as any student would) before i realized the other implications. internships being canceled, people being out of work, not being able to travel, and so much more. when and how will this end? how quickly will we be able to find a cure, and how effective will it even be? there is so much to worry about and so much left unknown.

& now i am here, thinking about how overwhelming the whole thing is, yet forcing myself to sit back and accept the situation we are in. trying to make light of it, while still being cautious. i hope you all stay safe, but also try not to waste your life worrying.