
i am. looking at the bright side

after almost a month of quarantine & an undeclared end date, i started to realize that watching joe exotic all day is not all its cracked up to be. (all i really want to do is hang out at a coffee shop!!!!). thankfully, i was able to take a step back and look at the positives of what i’m stuck with.

note: this list has nothing to do with the virus itself. covid-19 is very scary and not to be taken as a joke.

some reasons i am grateful for this forced time at home…

  • its what we all asked for: how many of you were stressed out right before quarantine & begging for a day off. well, here ya go.
  • pick up a new hobby: what have you always said you would do if you had more time? look, now you do.
  • meet new people: it feels like everyone is just feening for a smidge of social life, so if you are too, try messaging someone on insta or even downloading a dating app. you can have this time to get comfortable with them over text before meeting.
  • a lot more generosity: while in the beginning it seemed as if people were being super selfish (think: toilet paper), lately i’ve seen a ton of kindness with helping healthcare workers or really anyone in need. anyone see the good news video with john krasinski?
  • be able to embrace the changing season: if you’re anything like me, you have spent the last 5 days outside nonstop. from hours of walking to just taking a nap in the backyard, the free time to soak up the sun has been a blessing.
  • connecting with family: my brothers and i have been doing a ton of stuff together lately (from playing euchre to building minecraft servers).
  • creativity is off the charts: best way to force creativity, being out of your mind bored. my mom and her bf made a phone out of cups and string. now thats boredom.
  • finding out who is really worth your time: crisis clarifies who cares about you & makes deciding who you want to keep in your life much easier. i’ve seen dozens of breakups, but maybe they are for the better & just needed some clarification.

so ya, this virus sucks & i would never wish it upon anyone. but while we’re stuck at home, we might as well appreciate what we have at this moment.