
i am. not caring

i am currently visiting my boyfriend’s parents who live in the mountains in georgia. i was talking to his mom about tattoos and she was telling me that she wanted three more (she has two as of now). she told me that she had always loved them but hadn’t intended on getting any more because of how they looked.

she has lived in rural georgia for the past two
Years, but spent many years prior in oxford, michigan, a place where everyone looks the same, acts the same, thinks the same, & different isn’t always welcomed. where she currently lives, however, the motto is “live and let live.”

she decided, since moving away, that she will no longer live according to the rules of those around her. so, if getting tattoos at 40 makes her happy, then more power to her. why should she let anyone’s opinion of what she should do with her body matter?

my boyfriend gets this a lot, too. he didn’t go to college, but instead owns his own business & plays pre-professional hockey. he is still hardworking, can support himself, and loves what he does. so what if he doesn’t have a diploma to hang on the wall?

& in my case, i’m often judged for studying writing, hanging out with people dozens of years older than me, & so much more. but frick it, that’s what makes me happy. i’d rather enjoy my life, & be judged, than be miserable living a life that most others feel is worthy.