
i am. not giving advice

someone i work with asked me to write a post about what to do when your ex hits you up. so i thought about it. if my ex wanted to get back together what would i do?

personally, although i’m friends with most of my exes, i’m not the type of girl to give old relationships a second go. at the same time, i know a bunch of people who have gotten back with an ex & it worked out great. so who the frick knows the “right” answer?

& honestly, dating is like buying clothes. you may be at the store and see a sweater that is labeled one size fits all, but is it really? you think that me and a girl that is under 5 feet are really both going to fit into that? hell no.

asking what to do in a relationship is no different than the sweater. sure, in my opinion, if your ex hits you up after breaking your heart the clear answer is to block him, but i can’t say there aren’t as many exceptions out there as there are under 5 foot girls.

so my best advice to my coworker is not take any advice. no one knows a relationship better than those who are in it. go with your gut & don’t buy the darn sweater.