Photo of me in Chicago

i am. moving

i’m moving to portland. for six months. across the country. in 29 days. & i’m terrified.

here’s how this all went down.
this summer was supposed to be jam packed with travel (think: three weeks in southeast asia, chicago, michigan road trip, outer banks & kansas city). but for reasons i don’t think i need to spell out, *cough cough* covid, i had to put those trips on hold. so i figured, instead of wasting my summer sitting at home, i’ll make as much money as possible to save up for future trips. good plan! right?

well, idk. i spent my entire summer working. & yes, i’m talking 6-7 days a week. and although it feels like this summer has been a year long, it’s finally coming to the end. but i can’t say it really felt all that much like a summer. i’m going from working every day straight back to school. sure, i may have more money to burn a hole in my pocket, but i got no relaxation. no excitement. the best was to describe how i was feeling about the situation is simply… blah.

& now, come to find out the virus is still alive and ticking, all of my classes are online. so frick it, why should i limit my options to moving back to ann arbor or living at home with my grandma?

so portland it is. no, i’ve never been. no, i won’t know anyone. no, it isn’t anywhere near my family. & no, i don’t know how this is going to go. but yes, i need it.

when my life starts to feel too safe it stresses me out. idk if it’s a strength or a weakness, but i do know that i need to take a risk. & i know i’d regret not doing it more than if it sucks.

stay tuned if you want to see how this whole thing plays out.