Photo of me at Oakland University

i am. sharing the love

the other day in my english memoir class, we had to share a two page writing with one other student. the girl i was paired with was the sweetest human & was so complimentary. when we all grouped back as a full class, the lecturer asked if anyone would like to share or volunteer another student to share. my partner volunteered me.

i was so honored. it made me feel like she really heard me. like she cared about what i have to say. & that’s something i feel is missing often in my life.

who knows, she could have thought my writing was a piece of crap or didn’t listen to a word i said, but this simple act of kindness made my whole week.

she inspired me & reminded me that it doesn’t take much to make someones day. one simple act of kindness, one hour of your week to listen (really listen) to someone talk, one smile when you’re passing someone, one repost of someones content you enjoy. it doesn’t have to be complicated. any form of positivity makes a different.