Wow. Looking back at my year so far, I’ve basically been living my dream life. moving to Hawaii, working in Mexico for three weeks, and now staying with my boyfriend in Portland. Yet, while I spent the last seven months of my life surfing, hiking, riding along mountains in the bed of a truck, petting horses during sunset, floating down rivers, swimming at bars, chasing waterfalls, trying new foods, making lifelong friendships, and catching flights, I haven’t truly felt alive until this past week. & it isn’t because of anything I just listed.

While I’ve traveled a lot this year, it also means that I’ve spent a lot of it alone or in the presence of new people. While I do love (& miss) the people I’ve met along the way, there simply wasn’t enough time to get truly close to them.

The kind of close where you feel comfortable in one another’s silence. Where you can admit that you think the office is overrated. Where you know their minor intricacies (like sticking out your tongue when you think or watching endless league of legend Youtube videos). & this past week, I was reminded of how important having this kind of relationship is.

So, while I experienced so many incredible things in Oregon, the reason I really feel alive here is because I found that connection that I’ve been missing for so long.

i am.