Anyone have a weakness for pretty packages? I know I do, but I’m often disappointed because the product isn’t as fabulous as the package suggests. Think: the cute round OGX shampoo bottles that flex their use of collagen and fancy oils. I’ve snatched these off the shelf at target only to find out (after I used it) that they’re in a lawsuit for making their customer’s hair fall out.

It’s like people, some come in really pretty packages. The ones who look perfect on the outside. The Chris Browns & Meghan Foxes. You get the point. But others aren’t as shiny (the target brand shampoo) and are often left on the shelf. We end up spending more (time, money, energy) on the well-designed packages because: 1. I’m convinced that good things must come in pretty packages and 2. everyone else seems to want them, too. The less shiny packages are often a better quality, but we never give these ‘products’ the chance they deserve.

Sometimes the less shiny package is, well, less shiny on the inside as well. But more often than not, I’m pleasantly surprised.

Imagine the people we’ve overlooked and the opportunities we’ve missed. If we look a little lower on the shelf, we may find that we’re getting more bang for our buck.

i am.