Think about the last time you were late, blew off plans, or just messed up in general. What was your first reaction? If you’re like me, it’s likely, “not my fault.” I swear, it’s the fault of my dog, alarm or car! Always out here to destroy my honor.
We all have a tendency to blame someone or something else to soften the blow, but it’s counterproductive.
Sure, it’s significantly easier in that moment, but let’s be honest, nobody’s buying it and your just ensuring that you’ll do it again.
Whether you got caught in rush hour traffic (an excuse I’ve accidentally used on a Saturday once) or you were attacked by a giraffe, you are almost always at least slightly to blame (I mean why were you hanging with a giraffe in the first place!?).
In general, growth comes from taking responsibility for your mistakes (it’s the only way you’ll change your behavior). So, own up to not wanting to do something, ignoring a text, or make any other mistake. & ignore Awolnation when they tell you that ‘it’s not your fault’ because, well… it probably is.