
Unapologetically me

i am. unapologetically me

okay, mostly. if i sass you because im hangry, im sorry. if i step on the back of your shoe (which i do often) im sorry. but when it comes to being myself, i will never apologize. i am me and im not going to change myself because you dont accept the person i am. i am straight up (yes, Nancy, your eyeliner does make you look like you have a black eye), i dance around the grocery store (sorry to embarrass you, mom), i am imperfect (duh), but most importantly, i am happy. i am pleased with myself, and ive accepted my flaws. dont get me wrong, i havent always been like this, trust me. i look back on middle school me and cringe (& not just how i looked which is equally as cringy, but the way i acted). i have come a long way since, and will continue to try to grow into a better person (hopefully 🤞🏼)

accept yourself and know that those girls on instagram with the lives you drool over have issues too. no one has a perfect life, they just want you to think they do.