
not for everyone

i am. not for everyone

& i’m ok with that. ever met someone and instantly disliked them, but can’t figure out why? like, they have never done anything to you & everyone else seems to be okay with them, but you just can’t get that bad taste out of your mouth? ya, im pretty sure everyone can relate. i feel like there are times when i’m that person (even though it’s probably not as often as i think. but who knows, it could be more). i’ve pretty much always been ok with people not liking me. the only time it’s ever been an issue is when the person that disliked me was someone i looked up to. i’ve always been liked by my teachers. (probably because i’m afraid of authority and will do ANYTHING that a superior asks of me) with respect to this one teacher, i felt like i was always her target. no matter how hard i would work to try to impress her, i could never change that. i looked at the people that the teacher had close bonds with & i wasn’t anything like them. this explained a lot. there was some reason she didn’t like me and i had to accept that. i decided that since i couldn’t change the way she felt about me, i had to change the way i dealt with the situation. i no longer tried to please her. instead, i continued to work hard, but this time, for myself. if you ever think that if you change who you are, people will like you more… dont. its exhausting and not maintainable. please yourself before you try to please others, and thank me later.

there are so many reasons someone could dislike you. maybe you remind them of someone they had a problem with. maybe they don’t like the sound of your voice. maybe they don’t like how much starbucks you drink. maybe, just maybe, they don’t like you because of your raging passion for dogs! wanna know the best part about it, though? (I really dont care, im going to tell you anyway) what makes someone not like you is exactly what will make someone else LOVE you. you may not be everyones cup of tea. (personally, i’m a chai tea fan, but some of you may like chamomile. no shame) it’s just a good thing that they make lots of different flavors of tea.