
i am. cutting you out

today we are going to be doing some arts and crafts! all you need is old photos of the people in your life, scissors, & to follow these simple steps.
1.lay the pictures across the floor.
2.identify anyone who is a toxic figure.
3.slowly, but surely, use the scissors to cut those b1t¢h3s/a$$h0les out of your life!

although this may seem like a simple task, it may be more challenging than you may assume. as someone who is left handed, using scissors is tough enough. but just noticing who is bringing you down is hard!

after you have finished with the first two steps and are on step three, there is a certain way i would recommend doing so for optimum results. you rarely ever have to tell someone that you don’t want them in your life. a lot of the time, it begins with texting them less often. making fewer plans. busying yourself with new people who bring you up. yanno, those types of subtleties. (NOT blocking them on social media or texting them a paragraph about how much they suck – even though i know how temping it can be).

if you complete these three (not so) simple steps, you will successfully cut out toxicity from your life without burning any bridges, and, surely, you will notice a significant improvement in your happiness.

thanks for part-taking in crafts with bella, & hope to see you again soon (;