
in a relationship

i am. in a relationship

with the University of Michigan. i have been crushing on UMich for a while now and i know, if i am persistent, we will be able to make it in the long run. here are some details about our rollercoaster of a relationship. on October 11, i shot my shot and slid into the dms (aka submitted my application). it didn’t take long for them to reciprocate the interest. they asked me out on a date, October 31, and we scheduled to meet on November 17. i cried out of sheer joy (i had an audition for the School of Music, Theater and Dance). unfortunately, the date didn’t go as planned, and i said things i most likely shouldn’t have (bombed the interview). he made it clear that he didn’t want anything to do with me, but i had a backup plan (i was denied from SMTD, but deferred from the School for Literature, Science, and the Arts). i wrote my hopefully soon to be boyfriend a love letter to tell him that i still was very into him (wrote a letter of continued interest), and he told me he would let me know by March 31. on that exact day, he told me he wasn’t ready (i was waitlisted). apparently he had too many side hoes. here i am today. waiting. hoping. praying. that possibly we can officially be together, although the chances are slim. i have been holding out hope for 8 months, and if he showed even a little interest in me, i would jump for it without question. i love you, University of Michigan.