i am. not you

& you are not me. and that’s cool. it’s pretty obvious that people view the world differently (i swear Queen says ‘kicking your cat all over the place’). no one has had the same journey, and each individual sees life through a different lens. the same exact thing can be viewed completely differently (take a ManU v. Liverpool game, and lets say ManU won. you can bet that ManU believes they won it fair and square, while Liverpool may see the loss as the result of a bunch of crappy calls). there is no right or wrong way to see it. there’s also no right or wrong way to live. you may love something someone else hates. you may still love Pokemon Go, or superhero memes, or pineapple on your pizza (which i frick with. i feel like i’m going to lose followers for admitting this). the one thing thing that i love that many people seem to judge harshly (even my own grandma!!), is social media. (i find it fascinating & i want to pursue it as a career). many think that spending hours writing something that only a few people will read, or going to a cool location just to get a good picture, or even editing my pictures relentlessly to make them look perfect and fit with my theme is dumb and a waste of my time. but it’s what i LOVE and is EXACTLY how i want to spend my time and energy. it may be the most boring thing to you, but if its not hurting you, why judge?
i’m not saying i’m perfect when it comes to being judgement free. i’m not even close (its human nature, i mean come on), but every time i see someone doing something that i personally disagree with, i try to check myself. maybe he invests all of his money in Supreme because it makes him feel good about what he’s accomplished or maybe she’s juuling because it relieves stress. if you dont agree with what others are doing, you don’t have to do it, but dont try to convince them that they’re wrong. your opinion is just that. YOUR opinion. so rock that blue hair, post that fortnite victory, scream the lyrics to ‘god’s plan’, tell everyone about your weight loss journey. just live and let live!