
i am. not an “influencer”

i get asked fairly frequently what i did to grow my page. i am beyond honored that this blog that started from my desire to express the true me to people who had an unfair misunderstanding of who i was turned into what it is and is inspiring others to start blogs as well, but when i am asked how i grew my page and became an influencer, i’m left without answers.

let me start by saying that i don’t consider myself an influencer, although i suppose this account fits that definition. sure, i make a little extra side cash from sponsored posts, but that isn’t and never was my goal with this blog.

like i said, i started this blog because i wanted to set my reputation straight. give myself a voice. i write because i love to write. i post because i love to post. i respond to messages and comments because i love meeting new people and sharing/hearing stories. i don’t do those things to boost my engagement and get ahead of the algorithm.

yet, at one point along the way, i did. i would write posts that i didn’t really care for to fulfill my self expectation to post three times a week at the exact same times & days every week. & that’s when it became a task. a job. no longer a passion.

so if you’re going to take anything from this post, it should be that in order to grow your page, you shouldn’t care about growing your page at all. people aren’t dumb, they can tell when someone is posting just to make money & they can tell when someone is posting because they love to post. start a blog if you can’t shut up about whatever your niche is, but not because you want clout or a little extra cash.