
i am. inspired

i’m pretty sure that sasha obama’s decision to attend umich is no longer news. (but if you didn’t know, now you do.) so, i figured now would be an appropriate time to write about my love for her mom.

i’ve been a long time admirer of michelle & even happen to have the same username as her book tour (this teeny display of like-mindedness is kind of a thrill, not gonna lie). i look up to her because she chose not to live in her husband’s shadow. this seemingly down to earth woman made a name for herself. she made progress & she pushed her own agenda, all while supporting her husbands. this beautiful woman isn’t just a pretty face. to me, she embodies “girl power.”

there is no doubt that michelle is a strong woman in her own right, but her dedication to others is what makes her special. in her memoir, becoming, she acknowledges that every person has a history that no one else knows anything about, reminding us that we need to show compassion to all. she also stands for empowerment and authenticity, & quotes:
“do not ever let anyone make you feel like you dont matter. or like you dont have a place in our american story – because you do. and you have a right to be exactly who you are.” – michelle obama

so ya, she really is a bada$$! to michelle, i look up to you. & to sasha, welcome!! umich is so happy to have you (: if you’re even half as strong, smart, and compassionate as your mother (how could you not be), you’re gonna do some darn great things!