
i am. insensitive


the other day i got into a little (idk what to even call it) situation, i guess we could say, with my roommate. i unintentionally embarrassed her at a party. i mean, i had absolutely no idea that what i was saying to her in that moment would be offensive. thank GOD she is so understanding & forgave me!

after talking with her, i completely saw her side of things and felt like a terrible friend. i do this, unfortunately, more often than i‘d like to admit. i honestly never mean to offend anyone, but i do & i hate it!

so i decided to try and soften myself a bit. i reflected on why i can be so abrupt and frank. i think a big part of it is my personality, but also the people i grew up around. i have two brothers who had friends over every day (lots and lots of friends). also, my family prides itself on not being easy to offend. we are a sarcastic more often than not.

because of this, i have been using this “one size fits all” tactic with how i talk to people, but clearly it ain’t working. probably because people aren’t one size. i cant expect everyone to react (or not react) the same way.

so from now on, i REALLY need to think about how others will take things. not how i would take it, or my family would take it. this is definitely going to be a learning process. i need to learn who will get offended by what and what i should and shouldn’t filter. i’m just gunna need some pointers from the people in my life here and there. a good ole “bella, thats rude” when i’m doing the worst. trust me, i want to do better.