
i am. influenced

ever notice that once your friend starts saying something, no matter how stupid it is, that you start saying it, too? for me its been “i’m that,” which i initially hated, but now i can’t seem to get anything else to come out of my mouth.

sure sure, we have all experienced this. but have you ever thought about the other ways your friends change the way you act?

speaking for myself, at least, a large part of my personality is made up of the people i surround myself with. if my friends are super into academics, i’ll most likely see my grades spike. if my friends are more social, you can catch me at the club turning up on a thursday.

yet, i’ve also had friends that haven’t quite brought out the best in me. hearing the people around me gossip makes me want to spill some major tea. if i’m surrounded by petty, i start to become a bit petty. you get the picture. (&, for the record, i am by NO means blaming these people for any crappy thing i have done in the past. it was still me doing it, i’m just trying to avoid doing these things in the future).

maybe i’m the only one that is so easily influenced, but i have a hunch i’m not. so, i try my best to surround myself with people i look up to. people with characteristics that i wish i had. people who make me feel full inside. people who help make me the best version of me.