
i am. wrong

to judge.

my mom is seeing this guy & a lot of people think he’s not good enough for her. he smokes, works as a bartender/restaurant manager, lives with his parents & has a mouth like a sailor. people close to her have warned her not to date him (because of the bar scene stereotypes). but as someone who has been crushing before knows, there’s nothing stopping attraction (and, she rarely prematurely judges without giving someone a chance). so she stuck with him and she is glad she did. this dude graduated from penn state in marketing, had an internship on wall street, has an incredible work ethic, is uber-respectful of women, and is best friends with everyone he meets. (& he lives with his parents because they are gone most of the year).

i have been judged my entire life too. i’m a blonde girl who grew up as a dancer and cares a little too much about instagram. i dont think many people would look at me and think ‘that girl rarely parties, probably digs calculus, and likely dislikes most things girly.’ even though this is the truth. judgments of me by others ruined my middle and high school experience, so i don’t understand why i still continue to judge….i guess you could say i’m a work in progress.

i am really trying to get to know someone before making a judgment because, as in my mom’s case, you might just find someone great.