
i am. one

have you ever taken the enneagram test? if not, i highly recommend it (i linked it in my story). it’s basically a personality test that can tell your fears, desires, motivations, and more. don’t get me wrong, i usually just think this stuff is bull, but mine was spot on. so, you might as well just take it and see. (bonus, there’s an artist that made songs for every type of person & it hits different – also linked in story).

so i’m a type one. that means i’m a perfectionist. i want to be right. to not be condemned by anyone. to improve everything that’s in my life. to live a life worth living. but that’s heck of a burden. the list of imperfections is neverending. type ones almost always feels like a failure. & i am 100% a type one.

yet, i thought i had the whole “need to control and fix everything” under control. but as i walked to north campus and listened to the song designed for personality type, i realize i don’t. i noticed how shaky my body was from lack of eating – i want my body to look perfect. i noticed how tired i was, but was still forced myself to walk – i wanted to beat my mom in our fitbit competition. i am striving for perfection so much that i am a mess.

like i said, i usually don’t take these personality tests and wouldn’t have if my roommate didn’t tell me to, but i’m hella glad i did. i just think that this really reinforced the fact that i realllllyyyyy need to let go. & that i may think i am better, i’m not. i’m working on it, but i’m not quite there.

so, if you decide to take the enneagram test, let me know if it was accurate for you & what type you are. who knows, you might just learn something about yourself. either that or its TOTALLY off & you can laugh about it.