i know they said this whole transition thing would be hard, but like, dang. i figured i would just be able to skate by all of that because most of my best friends from high school go to michigan. on top of that, several people, who recognized me from my blog, have asked me to hang. i feel constantly torn between wanting to meet new people and hanging out with the people i’m comfortable with. i want to spend time alone, but i want to go out with friends. i want to sit in my room, but i dont want to miss any opportunities. my whole life is just one big “?” i started this blog to document my journey in trying to figure out who i am and i already know that the first semester of college is going to reveal a lot. this post has no lesson, no new outlook, no advice. just writing it for anyone else who is feeling the way i am. its hard, but i’m sure i’m not alone in this.